Workshop Series: Deepening the Conversation about End of Life
A 5-part Experiential/Interactive Workshop Series
Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (Lafayette)
Saturdays 9:00-11:30 a.m

Many who attended the popular Thoughtful Endings series have indicated a need to “dig deeper,” to explore the emotional and spiritual underpinnings of preparing for your death, considering your legacy, and arranging for your final send-off. Each of the workshops in this series will be facilitated by Fellowship members who have an abiding interest in helping people find peace with their dying and death.
March 10: What Does it Mean to Die Well?
Defining dying well by discerning what matters
Constance Holden and Sue Mackey
March 24: Meaning Making at the End-of-Life
What defines a life well-lived?
Sue Mackey and Dana Samani
April 14: Compassion, Forgiveness, and Conciliation
Finding peace with self and others, a Buddhist approach
Dana Samani
April 28: Funeral Practices that Create Meaning
After-death practices that support grieving and meaning
Sue Mackey and Constance Holden
May 19: Your Obituary: A Part of Your Legacy
An Obituary That Tells the World Why You Mattered
Sue Mackey and Kim Mooney