Talkin' About Love

2015 is well on it's way! Valentine's Day is here already, a day set aside to remind us to express our love for those in our lives who are important to us. We send cards, buy flowers and share meals with the "loves" in our lives – all beautiful gestures.
There are also many expressions of love and caring that cost absolutely nothing, including the obvious of offering a compliment, preparing a meal, doing something kind, giving an unexpected kiss, saying I love you or I appreciate you.
These are the little things we can say and do every day to show we care about those who are important to us, not just on Valentine's Day.
Another Expression of Love
Might I suggest another expression of love, something that you may have had as a New Year's Intention but just haven't gotten around to? Letting someone know that you care about being able to honor their wishes at the end of their life and/or sharing your personal wishes so that those you love won't be left to wonder or second guess. Let Valentine's Day be your "reason" to face your discomfort and just talk about it!
Fortunately there is a wonderful national initiative set up to help you navigate this conversation with skill and caring called The Conversation Project. On their website there is a "Conversation Starter Kit" that you can download and use as a guide for to get you started. It's super straight-forward and easy. You can consider the questions for yourself, have your family member(s) consider the questions, then talk about your answers together.
The project isn't focused on your actual paperwork or health care advance directives, it is focused on all the communication that may be lost in the standard forms that only address life support when you are terminally ill, such as "It's important to me that I am not a financial burden to my family." or "If I can no longer enjoy chocolate ice cream, life won't be worth living." Being able to recall those words will make decision making for a health care agent a whole lot less stressful if the time comes when you or a loved one is unable to speak for themselves. What a gift!
Just Get Started
Check out the Conversation Starter Kit so you'll be prepared to share it when the occasion presents itself, and offer it as a Valentine's gift to those you love.
Wishing you much love in your life on Valentine's Day and every day!