Advance Directives
Your wishes. Your way. In writing.
Making plans and communicating them in advance to your loved ones is crucial for ensuring you get what you want – and avoid enduring anything you don't – at the end of life, even if you're unable to speak for yourself.
An advance directive is an important set of end-of-life planning documents that include a living will (“what I want”) and a medical durable power of attorney (“who will speak for me”) that outline your end-of-life preferences. They're called "advance" directives because you complete them ahead of the time –before you need them – to provide a written record of your wishes and preferences regarding medical treatments and interventions.
You don't need a lawyer to create an advance directive. Your forms become legally valid as soon as you sign them in front of the required witnesses.
Forms and guidelines vary by state.
For Colorado, visit The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to access the forms you need.
Outside of Colorado: Visit Compassion & Choices or Caring Connections to find information and forms for your state.

Out of the Box Funeral Planning uses Docubank for added peace of mind. Once you've prepared your Advance Directives, Docubank ensures they will be available when they need them – where ever you are.
With the DocuBank SAFE, you can store all of your end-of-life planning documents and digital asset information in one secure online location. This provides the flexibility of having important documents accessible anytime, anywhere in the world.
Plus, the DocuBank Emergency Card makes your advance directives immediately accessible 24/7. Hospital staff can obtain your documents via fax, or print them from the DocuBank website. Along with your directives, the hospital will also receive the names and phone numbers of your emergency contacts and physician.
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